2023 Scrapbook

Oxford Folk Weekend
16th April 2023

A mixed-weather day in Oxford

OBJ comprised: Adam, Ann, Christine, Christopher, Claire, Clare, Claudia, Colin, Eddie, Giles, Helen, Joe, Karen, Mark, Peter, Philip and Tony

Click the pictures to enlarge them

16th April 2023
Oxford Folk Weekend - The Ashmolean

Dance: Brimfield

Dancers: Anne, Christopher, Claire, Claudia, Eddie, Helen, Tony

Musicians: Adam, Andy, Clare, Colin, Giles, Mark, Joe, Karen, Philip

16th April 2023
Oxford Folk Weekend - The Ashmolean

Dance: Witchmens Thistle

Dancers: Anne, Christopher, Claire, Claudia, Eddie, Peter, Philip, Tony

Musicians: Adam, Andy, Clare, Colin, Giles, Mark, Joe, Karen

We started at the Ashmolean and finished the day on a damp Broad Street