OBJ Morris - 2019 Scrapbook

2019 Scrapbook

Winchester Mayfest

18th May 2019

Winchester's Mayfest is a "must do" event on our calendar.
This year, the organisers provided us with some of the best dance spots we are ever likely to encounter.
These included the Buttercross, Winchester Cathedral's West Door, and the exceptional Great Hall

OBJ comprised: Ali, Andy, Ann, Christine, Christopher, Claire, Clare, Claudia, Colin, Eddie, IanP, Karen, Lawre, Mark, Mike, Philip, Sarah, Tony, Trish and Vera

Click the pictures to enlarge them

18th May 2019
Winchester Mayfest - The Great Hall

Dance: Alvechurch Smithy

Chris(topher), Claire, Claudia, Eddie, Karen, Mike, Sarah, Tony

Musicians: Joe, Colin, Phil (melodeons), Clare (concertina), Ali, Mark, Vera (percussion), Lawre (banjo)

18th May 2019
Winchester Mayfest - The Great Hall

Dance: Worcestershire Monkey

Ann, Chris(topher), Claudia, Eddie, IanP, Karen, Mike, Tony

Musicians: Joe, Colin, Phil (melodeons), Clare (concertina), Ali, Mark, Vera (percussion), Lawre (banjo)

The first spot was inside the shopping centre, shared with this Polish folk-dance group from Southampton.

The cute-ometer went off the scale.

Here we are in the same spot

This looks like our customary warm-up dance - Dilwyn.

Most of Taeppa's Tump were up on the balcony, lending their support

Later on, we danced outside the cathedral's west door.

The acoustics and audience were wonderful.

It's also a spot screaming out for a group photo

As is The Great Hall, with its Round Table of Arthurian legend.

It is just staggering that the 13th century builders knew how to provide the perfect dance spot for us to enjoy 800 years later.