The Heritage Centre dance spot (or Fish&Chip Shop spot)
This is probably a Dilwyn
And this is the "rounds" figure in the same dance
Claudia is nearest us
This Bay Horse
Eddie and Ian are swinging
More of the same dance
Eddie (in the skirt) and Emma (in trousers) are nearest
The band
Joe, Philip, Mark, Colin, Ali, and Chris
Then its off to Corfe Castle using our specially created tickets
(Thank you, Swanage Railway)
The spot outside the castle entrance could have been made for
morris dancing.
The band formed up in the little street, with plenty of walls to
echo the sound
This time, MaryAnn, Joe, Colin, Ali, Mark, Philip, Karen,
Claudia and Clare make up the band. This may be the first public
outing for Clare's concertina
That left plenty of space outside the castle entrance thingy for
the dancing.
This is Sheepskins. Helen, Andy and Ian are moving, while Emma,
Tony and Eddie are standing
Brimfield about to start
It's pleasantly peaceful in the evening sun
But the peace is soon shattered
Helen and Tony, and Karen & Phil are nearest
The "arming" figure
Mark is giving the bodhran a bit of welly - it drives the music
along nicely
This is Hay-on-Wye (two sticks!)
And this is Hay-on-Wye ending
Followed by a Worcestershire Monkey
Clare swings with Claudia
Kelly, Claudia and Ann share a moment
Clare and Philip looking out to sea
Was this when Waverley was coming in to the pier?
As usual, some of us took afternoon tea at the National Trust
tea-shop - very civilized!
The others went to the pub!
Inspecting the sea in preparation for dancing on the Sunday
Is it wet enough?
It was fit for purpose.
But the melodeon sounded a bit odd for a few days afterwards
This was "Just as the tide was a'flowin" - which it was.
OBJ plus a few gatecrashers from Borderline and Fox's Morris
Sharon is helping with the music
Other musicians played from a safe distance!
Joe and MaryAnn
Clare cooling off
While others got right in
Emma, Claudia, Eddie and Ian getting wet
Was it a bit cold Claudia?
Ann and Emma
Tony and Helen have joined them
Claudia and Tony afterwards - no room in that swimwear for a
Blackberry phone!