OBJ Morris - 2015 Scrapbook

Nags Head, Old Sunningdale
9th June 2015

We tried out a new pub - Ascot and Sunningdale are not our usual territory

OBJ comprised: Alison, Andy, Ann, Chris, ChrisD, Clare, Claudia, Colin, Eddie, Emma, Giles, Helen, Ian, Jason, Joe, Lawre, Mark, MikeG, Nikki, Pegeen, Philip, Sarah, Tony and Vera

Click the pictures to enlarge them

I can't remember which dance we started with, but Chris was just recovering from an injury whilst Claudia started a new one

Chris facing MikeG

Helen (left) seems to be playing a Jiff lemon

Whilst Emma seems to be flashing at us


Helen and Karen are at this end of the set


The men prepare themselves.

Karen is facing Phil

Brimfield again

Sarah, Karen and Helen are sticking, with the-invisible-dancer on the other side of the set.

The Craven Stomp

Chris is calling


Eddie, Tony and Sarah on this side as Ian whizzes past in the hey