OBJ Morris - 2015 Scrapbook
Bramshill Hunt, Arborfield, with Borderline Morris
23rd June 2015
Back to the astroturf!
OBJ comprised: Alison, Andy, Ann, Chris, ChrisD, Clare, Claudia, Colin,
Eddie, Emma, Giles, Helen, Ian, Joe, Lawre, Mark, MikeG, Nikki, Philip,
Sarah, Tony and Vera
Dancing Witchmens Thistle
Ian, Emma, Tony and MikeG are twiddling at different times
during the first figure
Witchmens Thistle again
Tony, Sarah and Chris in the foreground
The Bay Horse
MikeG and Sarah are nearest
Helen, Tony, Ian and Emma
Same dance with roles reversed
Brimfield again - this time the stars figure
Eddie and Sarah are visible now
This is "Tide" (Just as the tide was a'flowin)
Helen and Sarah are nearest
Tide again
Helen on the left, and Sarah, MikeG, Eddie and Tony on the right
getting ready to 1-2-3-hop
Wrekin Havoc, judging by the position of the sticks
MikeG and Andy facing Sarah and Tony
Andy leads the second side into the sheepskins hey
Craven Stomp
Helen (with legs that glow in the dark) is facing us
More fluorescence (I think!)
A joint Worcestershire Monkey with Borderline