OBJ Morris - 2012 Scrapbook

Winchester Mayfest
26th May 2012

We were promised good weather, and we got a real heat-wave, with blazing sun all day and soaring temperatures - sometimes a bit too soaring!

It's always a pleasure to visit Winchester, and we danced in some nice spots with good company

OBJ comprised: Alison, Ann, Anna, Chris, Chris D, Clare, Colin, Eddie, Ian, Joe, Lawre, Lynda, Marian, MikeG, Philip and Vera

Marian provided the pictures

Click the pictures to enlarge them

We started outside the cathedral with our usual warm-up dance (not that we weren't warm already!)

The dancers in shot are Chris and Eddie.

The band are Colin, Anna, Chris D, Vera, Joe, and Lawre

A bit more of the same Dilwyn. The acoustic effect of bouncing the music off the front of the cathedral was superb.

Ian, Lynda and Chris are facing us.

MikeG, Ali and Eddie are facing away.

We later moved up onto the flagstones just above the war memorial.

The surface wasn't great but we had a good audience of sunbathers.

This must be a Hay-on-Wye - the visible dancers are MikeG, Ann and Lynda


The same dance coming to an end.

Later in the day we were on duty at the Buttercross - an excellent spot in the High Street.

Preparing for a dance - which may have been Dilwyn or Just as the Tide was a'Flowin

Chris, Philip, Ian and Lynda facing Clare, MikeG, Ann and Eddie.

The band, joined by Ali.

Lynda is having a rest

Not really sure which dance this is.

Members of Island Cloggies look on.

The mayor joined us for one of our dances towards the end of the day.

It may have been Much Gridlock.

The mayor seemed to have mastered the technique for playing the lagerphone.

Much Gridlock in progress

This is the starburst figure

Philip and Ian are facing the camera

Shadows lengthen towards the end of a lovely day

The Buttercross makes a nice spot for the audience to sit and enjoy the morris.

It would have been one of several crosses - this one marking the location where butter was sold.

Chris attempts to recruit the mayor and his lady wife

Mayflower Morris prepare for their next dance