OBJ Morris - 2012 Scrapbook

Oxford Folk Weekend
21st April 2012

The Met Office earmarked this Saturday for some awful weather - but in the event, the sun shone all day until 5pm!!

We found the best spot in Broad Street and stayed there most of the day as other sides came and went.

OBJ comprised: Alison, Ann, Anna, Chris, Clare, Colin, Eddie, Ian, Joe, Kelly, Lynda, MikeG, Nikki, Philip and Vera

Click the pictures to enlarge them

Nasir Hamid took this picture with a traditional wooden camera while the Broad Street spot was in full swing

This picture took a while to set up - just try keeping 60-odd morris dancers still for a couple of minutes! Although the technology was a bit challenged, Nasir produced this lovely result.

OBJ are all in it, as are Hook Eagles, Plum Jerkum, and at least a couple more morris sides.

You can see more of Nasir's photography at www.simplyoxford.com

OBJ dancing Much Gridlock in Broad Street

Lynda and MikeG are in the foreground, with Anne , Ali and Ian visible in the set.

Chris, Colin, Nikki, Kelly and Joe are in the band.

Not sure which dance - maybe Brimfield.

MikeG and Kelly in the foreground and Colin, Anna, Joe, Ali, Lynda and Ian are in the band


MikeG, Kelly, Lynda and Ian are in the set.

And the sun is shining!

Colin announcing a dance, with Joe, Anna and Vera getting ready for whatever it is.

And it's still not raining!

The Worcestershire Monkey

With backs to us are Clare, Eddie, Chris and Nikki. Facing are Ali, Anne, Philip and MikeG.

Broad Street still looking magnificent despite the crane - at least its a colour-match for the bus!

Dancing Dilwyn at the last spot near the castle

Eddie, MikeG, Ian and Clare give us their rear view and Nikki, Philip, Ali and Lynda are facing.

A couple of little girls are serving as banner-holders and rattle-rattlers

Although the shadows are lengthening, the sun is still shining!