At The Red Lion
Dancing between the raindrops at The Red Lion
Right: Sheepskins, with MikeG and DaveK leading the hey.
Below left: Witchmens Thistle. Jill, DaveK, Nikki and Jenny face
Chris, MikeG, Linda and Tiff
Below right: Linda gets stuck in.
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At the Heritage Centre
Right: The band (from L to R) MikeS's drum, Ian, Doug, Jill,
Pam, Anne, Gill and Vera
Below: The Hitchhikers Guide to Bracknell makes it's debut
appearance at Swanage
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Saturday Afternoon
The now-traditional ride on the Swanage Railway and the annual
Corfe Castle mini-festival
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Yggdrasil Morris joined us for the trip.
Colin, David (WB) and Andrea (Morena) are looking on
Ridgeway Step Clog performing.
The ladies are smiling - shame the photographer was so keen to
get their feet into the picture
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OBJ dancing the Craven Stomp at Corfe.
Dave Y, MikeG and Linda are visible, together with Pam and Tiff
in the band.
We must have enlisted David (WB) into the set as he is dancing
just behind Linda.
Wicket Brood dancing at Corfe.
I'm keeping a wary eye on a van that is waiting to drive through
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Dave Y and Susie dancing Rosa's Waltz
Sunday Morning
The Churchyard
Four pictures taken during The Witchmens Thistle
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Dancing on the sea front
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The OBJ band looking splendid
DaveK, Susie, Jenny, Anne, Ian. Gill, MikeS, MikeG, Colin,
Tiff and Vera
Sunday Afternoon
Aquatic Morris Dancing
Fresh from a triumphant triple-set of Worcestershire Monkey (OBJ,
Wicket Brood and Exmoor Morris), we headed straight into the sea
for the customary aquatic dances.
Wicket Brood doing something-wet-or-other with some assistance
from OBJ.
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OBJ dancing something-else-wet-or-other.
Proving that OBJ can dance in a straight line - even if it takes
the Atlantic Ocean to make it possible.
It's Dilwyn I think
Jenny, MikeG, ??, Chris, ?? Dave Y
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A perfectly-executed "star" - more from Dilwyn.
Jill, Susie, Dave Y, Tiff, and my left hand.
Part of a set who are dancing
"Hunting the aquatic squirrel"
Tiff, Dave Y and Jenny
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Susie and Dave Y dancing "Rosa's Waltz".
Most of OBJ are now bobbing about in the sea