OBJ Morris - 2004 Scrapbook

Rochester Sweeps Festival
1st May 2004

This years' Rochester Sweeps Festival included Saturday May 1st, and some of us went to Rochester with the intention of dancing in the May.

Once again, the OBJ Fan Club (Rochester branch) joined us for the day, and Guy is shown in many of the pictures. Meanwhile Guy's dad and half-brother Miles had joined Motley Morris - much to the interest of some of our younger female members.

The weather was rather dull but somehow we got through the day without actually getting wet.

OBJ Comprised: Abi, Anne, Bob, Carey, Chris, Colin, Dave, Doug, Gill, Ian, Jerry, Jenny, Jill, Linda, MikeG, MikeS, Nikki, Pam, Susie, Tiffany and Vera.

Click the pictures to enlarge them

Jack-in-the-Green, having been duly awakened at dawn on May Day, was paraded around the town.

This is the OBJ Fan Club (Rochester Branch).

Guy acted as our mascot throughout the day.

Guy joined the OBJ band for several dances.

Here he is pictured with Gill, Anne, Carey, Bob, Ian and Doug

Doug announces a dance.

Anne, Gill, Carey, Doug, Pam and MikeS

A set of 12 for Sheepskins

The "willing volunteers" await their fate!

Doug and Colin in the foreground.

The Sheepskins in prgress.

The picture demonstrates that OBJ does know exactly what a straight line looks like, but we avoid them at all costs!

In the left foreground are Tiff, Abi, Jenny and Chris, whilst on the right, Linda, Jerry and Nikki are on the move.

One of the "hats" in the same dance.

Tiff, Abi and Jill are also there.

Two pictures below from the chorus of Alvechurch Smithy.

While the skies looked murky all day, the rain stayed away.

Colin and Dave lead the cast, and Jerry, Jill, Chris and MikeG bring up the rear.

Another picture from Alvechurch Smithy.

The "dunk" figure - AKA "Men-in".

Jill, Jerry, MikeG and Chris.

I'm not really sure which dance this is - it may be a Valiant Soldier.

Our mascot is working hard, assisted by his brother Kim and his mum.

Jill and Nikki on the left and Dave, Jenny, Jerry and MikeG are on the right.

Dilwyn nears a conclusion, bringing blessed relief to dancers, band and audience.

Jill, Jerry and Nikki in the foreground.

Two pictures from Brimfield - always a crowd-pleaser.

On the left, Dave and Jerry brace themselves whilst Abi and Tiff wield the sticks. The picture on the right is from later in the dance, when the roles are reversed.

A picture from a rendition of The Witchmens Thistle.

Abi lays into Linda's stick.

From White Ladies Aston.

Danced a third time by audience request.

Linda and Tiff in a nice mother-and-daughter picture.

Look out for other teams using Dill Pickle Rag as their music now they've seen and heard this.

We finished our day with a really huge mixed set of East Acton.

Members of the audience and dancers and musicians from at least 5 sides joined in.

In the red rag jackets are Guy's dad Adrian and his other son Miles.

Guy pictured with his dad (Adrian) and his brother Kim.

This was Adrian's inaugural appearance with Motley Morris

Two nice pictures of Abi. Miles is pictured on the left.


Doug, Vera, MikeS, Colin, Linda, MikeG, Gill, Susie, Jenny, Ian, Abi, Guy, Tiff, Jerry, Chris, Pam, Dave, Jill, Anne, Carey and Bob. Nikki seems to be missing.