Wassailing at the Jolly Farmer, Hurst
12th January 2003
This page contains the earliest known videos of OBJ dancing.
We celebrated our fifth annual wassail at the Jolly Farmer, Hurst. Both
the waether and the company were excellent. We were joined by Phoenix
Morris, Yateley Morris and Shinfield Shambles together with various
members of other morris teams and singers from Bracknell, Maidenhead and
further afield.
This years Wassail was appropriately held on January 12th - which would
have been New Years Day had Pope Gregory XIII not decreed in 1582 that we
all wind our clocks forward 11 days! It took until 1752 to change the
calendar in Great Britain.
The Wassail "ceremony" was presided over by the King and Queen of the
Bean; Martin (from Wicked Brood) and Sue (from Phoenix Morris). Members of
HuMP and OBJ delivered a Mummers Play - in somewhat pantomime form - which
was enjoyed by everyone.