OBJ Morris - 2002 Scrapbook

Swanage Folk Festival
7-8 September 2002

This years Swanage Folk Festival was just like all the others - utterly fantastic!!!

All the usual ingredients were there: excellent weather, a wonderful location, great music and dance, the train ride and dancing at Corfe Castle, the churchyard spot, and the traditional marine-morris set at the end. Special thanks to David Blakeley for organising an excellent festival, and to Swanage Railway for laying on an additional train for us.

The highlight of the festival (for us) was probably dancing "The Worcestershire Monkey" in mixed sets with Wicket Brood on the Sunday afternoon. You could probably hear it in Weymouth!!! Where are the pictures when you need them?

Present were: Anne, Carey, Chris, Colin, Dave, Doug, Gill, IanF, IanO, Jenny, Jerry, Jill, JimJ. Louise, Lynne, MikeG, MikeS, Nikki, Pam, Rob, Ruth, Tony and Vera.

Click the pictures to enlarge them

One good reason to go to Swanage

At the Heritage Centre spot, dancing The Worcestershire Monkey.

In the picture: Louise, Tony, Dave, Colin (hidden), Nikki, Jenny, Chris and Jill.

The band was awesome. Bits of it are just visible: Jerry, Carey, Gill, Doug, Pam and Vera.

Thanks to David Blakeley for this picture

The "half hands" figure in The Worcestershire Monkey. Colin and Nikki in the foreground, with Louise, Jill, Dave, and the rest behind.

The kit - especially the rag jackets - is demonstrating its aerodynamic properties.

Thanks to David Blakeley for this picture

After a hard days dancing on Saturday

Paul, Jill, Colin, Dave, Carey, Anne (Wicket Brood), IanO, Jerry, Anne, IanF

Down in the forest, something stirs...

Rehearsing the "Flamingo's Belly Button" dance in the churchyard on Sunday.

In the picture: Jerry, Colin, Nikki, Ruth, Jenny, Tony

In the churchyard, preparing to dance White Ladies Aston.

The dancers are Tony, Chris, Colin, Ruth, louise, Jill, Nikki, Jenny, with various members of the band in the background.

White Ladies Aston: the half-hay chorus.

Ruth and Jenny sprint for the bottom of the set.

White Ladies Aston does go on and on..

We received a commendation from the Noise Abatement Society when we finished.

And even more of White Ladies Aston. I'm getting too old for this!

Gasping for breath as we dance off, while Jill and Nikki show that it hasn't affected them.

On the waterfront.

Jenny, Doug, Gill and Pam doing their pelvic floor exercises.

Dougs helmet hasn't been the same since.

Jenny looking smug about something while Pam, Doug and the spaniel look concerned.

MikeG and Vera

Ruth and Louise after the customary marine morris on Sunday

We took the train to Corfe Castle on Saturday evening, together with Wicket Brood and Shinfield Shambles. Our thanks to Swanage Railway for laying on a special train.

Merchant Navy class No 35027 "Port Line"

A footnote.

Chris's feet steam as the boots come off.