OBJ Morris - 2002 Scrapbook

1st Crowthorne Cubs
27 November 2002

Bob asked us if we might dance for his cub group in Crowthorne. We did a couple of dances, explained morris dancing (can you explain it?), and taught them to do Dilwyn.

One of the cub leaders kindly loaned himself to make a human map of Britain - a piece of educational nonsense that was invented "on the fly". It worked so well that we will do it again!

The old routine: there are three things you need to know how to do - stepping, sticking and screaming. As usual, they excelled in the screaming department.

Those present were Bob, Linda, Colin, Chris, Doug, Pam, Vera, Jenny, DaveK, Anne, IanO.

Click the pictures to enlarge them

Having issued the customary safety warning (you get sent off if you hit someone with that stick) we got started.

Dilwyn in full swing with two cub leaders (Bob is Baloo) and 16 cubs.

The band - some of whom arrived straight from work to do their bit.

Ian, Anne, Colin, Doug, Pam, Vera.

Look at those awful lines - just like grown-up morris!

Linda and Chris at this end of the set.